TheMAG your daily dose of creativity: magazine about fashion, design, arts, trends and coolness

L1 floor lamp

L1 floor lamp

Nov 25 2011, 8:00 am 0 Marco Russo

For the usual column dedicated to the lighting design, today we show "L1": a floor lamp [ ... ]

Folda floor lamp

Folda floor lamp

Nov 18 2011, 10:00 am 0 Marco Russo

As every Friday we talk about lighting design. Today we show you "Folda": a sustainable [ ... ]

Exoesqueleto lamp

Exoesqueleto lamp

Nov 17 2011, 2:00 pm 0 Marco Russo

A lamp created for outdoor use by Mexican designer Lucía Rubio in collaboration with Manuel [ ... ]

34+1 paperboard light

34+1 paperboard light

Nov 11 2011, 12:00 pm 0 Marco Russo

For the usual column dedicated to the lighting design, today we play at home, showing "34+1" [ ... ]

Not secret light in the wall

Not secret light in the wall

Nov 07 2011, 1:22 pm 0 Marco Russo

The wall and the light together to give birth to a gorgeous and functional interior design [ ... ]

Urchin lamp

Urchin lamp

Nov 04 2011, 12:00 am 0 Marco Russo

Today for the Friday column dedicated to the lighting design, we will show a low-cost lighting [ ... ]

Piel & foco Lamp

Piel & foco Lamp

Oct 28 2011, 10:00 am 0 Marco Russo

For the usual Friday column dedicated to lighting design today we show you "Piel & foco", [ ... ]

Welke floor lamp

Welke floor lamp

Oct 25 2011, 12:00 am 0 Marco Russo

Nature, with its beauty and its masterpieces is always an inexhaustible source of inspiration [ ... ]



Oct 21 2011, 12:00 am 0 Marco Russo

In these days, with the cold and a sore throat that persecute me, the concept of warm [ ... ]

eCork led lamp

eCork led lamp

Oct 14 2011, 12:00 pm 0 Marco Russo

A solution that we want to present for the Friday column dedicated to lighting design, [ ... ]

Light in / Light out

Light in / Light out

Oct 12 2011, 12:00 am 0 Marco Russo

Today we show you a submission, a project by Polish designer Kinga Kubowicz from King Kong [ ... ]



Oct 07 2011, 10:00 am 0 Marco Russo

Those who follow us every day, now knows our fondness for objects made of cardboard or [ ... ]

Lion Penseur lamp

Lion Penseur lamp

Oct 04 2011, 8:00 am 0 Marco Russo

We begin a new day with the seventh round of: the ten designers known during our three [ ... ]

P.A. Chandelier

P.A. Chandelier

Sep 30 2011, 10:00 am 0 Marco Russo

Today for the Friday column of lighting design and simultaneously for the fourth appointment [ ... ]

Document lamp

Document lamp

Sep 28 2011, 12:00 am 0 Marco Russo

As mentioned in the post dedicated to "London Design Festival", in the days ahead we'll [ ... ]