TheMAG your daily dose of creativity: magazine about fashion, design, arts, trends and coolness

Tri-Angle light

Tri-Angle light

Oct 04 2013, 8:30 am 0 Marco Russo

This week for the usual Friday column dedicated to lighting design we'll show you "Tri-Angle", [ ... ]

WoodConcrete chair

WoodConcrete chair

Oct 03 2013, 2:30 pm 0 Judit Huszár

Anita Boldog graduated last year with an innovative idea of floating islands made out of [ ... ]

SEER table

SEER table

Oct 01 2013, 2:30 pm 0 Marco Russo

The second project I am presenting today is the SEER table designed by British designer [ ... ]

Gentleman’s valet by Sam Brown

Gentleman’s valet by Sam Brown

Sep 30 2013, 2:30 pm 0 Marco Russo

This time I show you a craftsmanship project Made in UK, a piece of furniture presented [ ... ]

Bungy sofa

Bungy sofa

Sep 30 2013, 8:30 am 0 Marco Russo

We start the week with a new project admired during the London Design Festival 2013. Today [ ... ]

Alter Self by Elina Gleizer

Alter Self by Elina Gleizer

Sep 27 2013, 10:30 am 0 Monica Bogliolo

This year's London Design Festival gave us surprises and new discoveries. A bit more time [ ... ]

Fly sofa Sc3

Fly sofa Sc3

Sep 26 2013, 8:30 am 0 Marco Russo

From today we officially begin our journey of rediscovery of projects and designers seen [ ... ]

Memories collection

Memories collection

Sep 13 2013, 10:30 am 0 Marco Russo

Memories, a small family of furniture created by the designer with Finnish origins and [ ... ]

Private desk

Private desk

Sep 12 2013, 2:30 pm 0 Marco Russo

The second project that I show you today is "Private", the desk created by the architect [ ... ]

Dimdim rocking chairs

Dimdim rocking chairs

Sep 12 2013, 10:30 am 0 Marco Russo

Two rocking chairs created by the Belgian designer Lisse Van Cauwenberge, characterized [ ... ]

Curve hanger

Curve hanger

Sep 10 2013, 10:30 am 0 Marco Russo

A clothes hanger created by the designer Kittipoom Songsiri for Karv, a new Thai brand [ ... ]

Catamara armchair

Catamara armchair

Sep 09 2013, 8:30 am 0 Marco Russo

A project created by Brazilian designer Guilherme Sass, which was born with the aim of [ ... ]

UNO bedside table

UNO bedside table

Sep 05 2013, 12:30 pm 0 Marco Russo

UNO, the elegant table created by the designers of the Russian studio Field & Rage. A solution [ ... ]

Bolsa desk

Bolsa desk

Sep 05 2013, 8:30 am 0 Marco Russo

After two years since their last project presented here on TheMAG, today with "Bolsa" we [ ... ]

Multifunctional desk

Multifunctional desk

Sep 03 2013, 8:30 am 0 Marco Russo

Today we want to show you the desk created by Polish designer Agata Nowak. A multifunctional [ ... ]

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