Two weeks ago I attempt to the ECCE PKR, in Piazza Risorgimento-Rome. In other words, the European meeting of Parkour. But let’s start from the beginning. Parkour was born in France in the ‘80’s and grows thanks to Daniele Belle. It’s a metropolitan discipline that consists in overcoming the obstacles adapting the body to the ambient around it. Probably you’ve seen a couple of skills in a lot of films and spots. ECCE Parkour it’s an appointment that wants to reunite experts, curious, beginners and anyone who’s attracted to this discipline. This year, some participants even came from the USA! Parkour is a way to overcome our limits and challenge ourselves, physically and mentally. Yes, because the everyday difficulties can be not having a job or family problems, but in Parkour is a small wall or some stairs. All the things that you see, were built by the guys and it’s the result of a group work. Also, I would like to thank all the guys that were there. So, if you’re interested o simply curious, search ECCE Parkour on Facebook, follow the fonder of ECCE
Andrea Lanciano (thanks for the chat!) and/or search the
official site in your home town. You don’t have to be Spider Man to prove it!